If we were to list the factors that have contributed to our achievements, we would certainly mention the fact that, despite being a family-run business, we have always tried to enlarge our vision by cooperating with the biggest players in our industry. Driven by a sincere dedication, we have managed to reach a high level of technical expertise and an all-around knowledge of every aspect of the electric traction (slow speed and high speed lines, high capacity systems, underground railways, light-rail and so on).
Combined with our quest for innovative solutions, this expertise has led us to create our “Innovation Branch”, whose major achievement so far has been the OMNIA 3 kV d.c. e 25 kV a.c. cantilever. Not only does the OMNIA cantilever abide by the Italian standards when it comes to both its design and functioning, but it can be used under any condition and on any kind of railway line and cantilever.
Global design
We can proudly say that we deliver turnkey projects: the project phase is combined with an intense cooperation with and continuous assistance to the Engineer Offices as well as the building sites.
Over the years, we have increased the degree of integration between designers and manufacturers, as the higher the integration, the better the final output and the speed of execution. We believe that such an approach makes us much more forward-looking than anyone else and embodies our vision of what a cutting-edge railway design company should nowadays really be about.
Working with RFI Spa
In 2014, RFI Spa contacted our team directly to ask us to gather our competences in order to draw up the new Capitolato Tecnico TE 2014, which sets out the rules and regulations for all the electric traction systems in Italy, still used throughout Italy. Along with the Capitolato Tecnico TE, all the dimensioning and checks on all the structures contained in the Capitolato as well as all the detailed and non detailed drawings had to be carried out.
Advanced learning for railway agents and technicians
We can also use our set of skills and capabilities to train Junior and Senior designers, Project Managers, site managers and maintenance operatives as far as electric traction (3 kV dc/15 kV ac for slow RFI Spa railways, urban lines, tram lines; 25 kV ac/2x25 kV ac for slow European/UK railways, high speed for both RFI Spa and European/UK railways) and high speed and OMNIA standard systems are concerned (both in Italy and in the other countries where the OMNIA is already in use, such as the U.K.,France, Australia, Brasil, Morocco, ..).
Design and development of innovative solutions for the railway sector.